
Current themes in the study of the homotopy groups of spheres

  • 演讲者:Mark Behrens(圣母大学)

  • 时间:2020-10-30 09:00-10:00

  • 地点:Zoom (ID 646 1670 7021)


I will summarize the current state of affairs of the study of the stable homotopy groups of spheres, and will describe some connections to algebraic and differential geometry.

About the speaker

Mark Behrens is a Professor at the University of Notre Dame and holds the John and Margaret McAndrews Chair.  After graduating from the University of Chicago, he took positions at MIT and Harvard, was a Fellow of the Sloan Foundation, and was awarded a CAREER grant from the NSF, as well as a Cecil and Ida B. Green Career Development Associate Professorship at MIT.  Prof. Behrens is a leading expert in the field of algebraic topology.  He has served on the editorial boards of distinguished research journals such as Proceedings of the AMS, Geometry and Topology, and Advances in Mathematics, and published research papers in such journals as Memoirs of the AMS and Inventiones Mathematicae.  He was a co-organizer of the inaugural International Workshop on Algebraic Topology, held at SUSTech, in June 2018 and contributed to the recent developments of the subject in China.
