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Beijing-Shenzhen Geometry and Physics workshop


                                 Saturday, Feb. 18, 2017



Room 706 at Math department, SUSTech, Shenzhen

Morning session (Chair: Prof. Prof. Anmin Li)


09:00-09:50   Prof. Youjin Zhang( Tsinghua University)

Hodge integrals and integrable systems


9:50am-10:30 Break



10:30-11:20 Assistant Prof. Qin Li (SUSTech)

BV quantization, deformation quantization and algebraic index






Afternoon session (Chair: Prof. Youjin Zhang)


14:30-15:20  Prof. Anmin Li ( Sichuan University)

The Exponential Decay of Gluing Maps for $J$-Holomorphic map Moduli Spaces

15:30-16:20   Prof. Jianxun Hu( Sun Yat-Sen University)

Gromov-Witten invarant and rationally connected manifold



16:20 –16:40, Break



16:60-17:30   Prof. Jian Zhou (Tsinghua University)

Modular forms, invariant theory and Moyal products
