Faculty > Professors > URES Raul



0755-88018118 http://faculty.sustech.edu.cn/ures/en/

  • Brief Biography
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Published Works

Research Interests

Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory


Ph.D. 1993 IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

B. S. 1990 University of the Republic, Uruguay


2016- present Professor of Mathematics, Southern University of Science and Technology

2002- 2016  Professor of Mathematics, Univerisity of the Republic, Uruguay

1995-2002 Associate Professor, Univerisity of the Republic, Uruguay

1993-1995 Assistant Professor, Univerisity of the Republic, Uruguay

1987-1993  Teaching Assistant, Univerisity of the Republic, Uruguay


· Simons Associate, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, since 2014.

· Researcher of the PEDECIBA (program of basic sciences, Uruguay) since 1994 (at the highest level since 2013)

Selected Publications

· A non-dynamically coherent example on T3, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Vol. 33, 1023-1032, 2016, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz and J. Rodriguez Hertz.

· Intrinsic ergodicity of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with hyperbolic linear part, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 140, 1973–1985, 2012.

· New criteria for ergodicity and non-uniform hyperbolicity, Duke Mathematical Journal, Vol. 160, 599–629, 2011, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz, J. Rodriguez Hertz and A. Tahzibi.

· Tori with hyperbolic dynamics in 3-manifolds, Journal of Modern Dynamics, Vol. 5, 185–202, 2011, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz and J. Rodriguez Hertz.

· Uniqueness of SRB measures on surfaces, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 306, 35–49, 2011, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz, J. Rodriguez Hertz and A. Tahzibi.

· Accessibility and stable ergodicity for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with 1d-centerbundle, Inventiones Mathematicae, Vol. 172, 353–381, 2008, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz and J. Rodriguez Hertz.

· Partial hyperbolicity and ergodicity in dimension 3, Journal of Modern Dynamics, Vol. 2, 187–208, 2008, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz and J. Rodriguez Hertz.

· A survey of partially hyperbolic dynamics, Fields Institute Comm. , Vol. 51, 35–88, 2007, joint with F. Rodriguez Hertz and J. RodriguezHertz.

· Minimality of strong stable and unstable foliations for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms, Journal de l’Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Vol.1(4), 513–541, 2002, joint with C. Bonatti and L. J. Díaz.

· Partial hyperbolicity and robust transitivity, Acta Mathematica, Vol. 183, 1–43, 1999, joint with L.J. D´ıaz and E. Pujals.

· Abundance of hyperbolicity in the C1 topology, Annales Scientifiques de L’Ecole Normale Superieure, quatriéme série, t. 28, 747–760, 1995.
