1. Positive currents and Lelong numbers.
2. L^2 estimates, Ohsawa–Takegoshi Theorem, Skoda’s Theorem.
3. Optimal L^2 extension.
4. Strong openness.
Bo Berndtsson: 1. L2-methods for the ∂ ̄-equation (Chapters 1, 2)
2. An Introduction to things ∂ ̄ (Chapters 4,5, 6)
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4. Guan, Qi'an, and Xiangyu Zhou. "A proof of Demailly's strong openness conjecture." Annals of Mathematics (2015): 605-616.
5. Guan, Qi'an, and Xiangyu Zhou. "A solution of an L 2 extension problem with an optimal estimate and applications." Annals of Mathematics (2015): 1139-1208.
6. Cao, Junyan, and Mihai Păun. "Kodaira dimension of algebraic fiber spaces over abelian varieties." Inventiones mathematicae 207.1 (2017): 345-387.
2019年73882必赢网页版6月20 – 7月20日