南方科技大学 // 73882必赢网页版 // 学术会议 English

SUSTech CAM Mini-Workshop




This workshop aims to bring together experts working on computational and applied mathematics to exchange the latest research progress, discuss new research directions and foster research collaborations.

The list of participants

Xinlin Cao 曹鑫林 (Hong Kong Baptist University)

Rongliang Chen 陈荣亮 (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Youjun Deng 邓又军 (Central South University)
Huaian Diao 刁怀安(Northeast Normal University)

Chaohua Duan 段超华(Central South University)

Xiaofang Dong 董晓芳 (Beijing Institute of Technology)
Huipeng Gu 古惠鹏 (Southern University of Science and Technology)
Yukun Guo 郭玉坤 (Harbin Institute of Technology)

Youzi He 何酉子(Hong Kong Baptist University)
Guoliang Ju 鞠国良(Southern University of Science and Technology)
Jingzhi Li 李景治(Southern University of Science and Technology)

Mingze Li 李明泽 (City University of Hong Kong)

Tao Li 李滔 (Central South University)
Genqian Liu 刘跟前(Beijing Institute of Technology)
Hongyu Liu 刘宏宇 (City University of Hong Kong)
Xiliang Lu 吕锡亮 (Wuhan University)
Ju Ming 明矩 (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Wanjing Tang 唐婉晶 (Central South University)

Chun-Hsiang Tsou 鄒駿祥 (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Wing Yan TSUI 徐穎恩 (Hong Kong Baptist University
Chao Wang 王超 (Southern University of Science and Technology)
Xiaoming Wang 王晓明 (Southern University of Science and Technology)

Xianchao Wang 汪贤超(City University of Hong Kong)
Wei Wu 吴畏 (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Wei Yang 杨伟 (Xiangtan University)
Jiachuan Zhang 张佳川(Southern University of Science and Technology)
Kai Zhang 张凯 (Jilin University)
Wenlong Zhang 张文龙(Southern University of Science and Technology
Zheng Zhi 郑植(Southern University of Science and Technology)

Liyan Zhu 朱丽艳 (Central South University)

Organizing Committee

Xiaoming Wang 王晓明, Southern University of Science and Technology
Jingzhi Li 李景治, Southern University of Science and Technology


13 June, Online workshop talks, Zoom ID: 65324513741

14 June, Online workshop talks, Zoom ID: 65324513741

Jiachuan Zhang 张佳川, SUSTech, zhangjc@sustech.edu.cn, 15043098304
Huipeng Gu 古惠鹏, SUSTech, 11930557@mail.sustech.edu.cn, 15625037631
Zhi Zheng 郑植, SUSTech, 11930645@mail.sustech.edu.cn, 13056019793

Program: Workshop Program
