Geometry & Topology Seminar

Stokes matrices and character varieties

Speaker: Yu-Wei Fan(Tsinghua University)

Time: Apr 23, 2024, 16:00-17:00

Location: M1001, College of Science Building. Zoom ID: 365 418 2693,Password:231018。

(Topological) bonded knots and bonded knotoids

Speaker: Sofia Lambropoulou(National Technical University of Athens)

Time: Apr 11, 2024, 16:00-17:00

Location: Taizhou Hall 233B

The contractibility of Outer space

Speaker: Yuxuan XIAO(University of Copenhagen)

Time: Apr 2, 2024, 15:00-16:00

Location: Room 233A,Taizhou Hall

The geometry of moduli spaces of twisted maps to smooth pairs

Speaker: Robert Crumplin(Imperial College London)

Time: Mar 26, 2024, 16:00-17:00

Location: Room 233A,Taizhou Hall. Zoom ID: 931 4365 2875,Password:935689

Local equations defining stable map moduli, arbitrary singularities, and resolution

Speaker: Yi Hu(University of Arizona)

Time: Mar 12, 2024, 16:00-17:00

Location: M1001, College of Science Building

Degenerations, fibrations and mirror symmetry

Speaker: Fenglong You(ETH Zurich)

Time: Jan 4, 2024, 14:00-15:00

Location: M1001, College of Science Building

Some connections between topology and number theory

Speaker: Shicheng Wang(Peking University)

Time: Dec 27, 2023, 16:20-17:20

Location: ICM Lecture Hall (Room 240A, Taizhou Hall)

Moduli spaces of trees and complexes of not 2-connected graphs

Speaker: Zhipeng Duan(Nanjing Normal University)

Time: Dec 20, 2023, 16:20-17:10

Location: M1001, College of Science Building

Chromatic families in the EHP sequence, II

Speaker: Guozhen Wang(Fudan University)

Time: Sep 27, 2023, 16:20-17:10

Location: Room M5024, College of Science Building

Chromatic families in the EHP sequence

Speaker: Guozhen Wang(Fudan University)

Time: Sep 25, 2023, 16:20-17:10

Location: Room M5024, College of Science Building

A derived bridge between Lie algebroids and foliations

Speaker: Jiaqi Fu (Paul Sabatier University)

Time: Aug 9, 2023, 17:00-18:00

Location: M5024, College of Science Bldg.

Derived projectivizations and Grassmannians and their applications

Speaker: Qingyuan Jiang (University of Edinburgh)

Time: May 11, 2023, 16:00-17:00

Location: Zoom ID 396 431 7007, Passcode 000222

Relative mirror symmetry and the proper Landau—Ginzburg potential

Speaker: Fenglong You (ETH Zurich)

Time: Apr 13, 2023, 17:15-18:15

Location: Zoom ID 396 431 7007, Passcode 000222

Genus one Virasoro constraints for Fano complete intersections in projective spaces

Speaker: Shuai Guo (Peking University)

Time: Apr 13, 2023, 16:00-17:00

Location: Zoom ID 396 431 7007, Passcode 000222

Galois cohomology of reductive groups over global fields

Speaker: Mikhail Borovoi (Tel Aviv University)

Time: Mar 15, 2023, 16:00-17:00

Location: Zoom ID 967 248 8008, Passcode 27182818

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